A Split-Second goes Brazil!
We are very pleased to announce that A SPLIT-SECOND was invited for an exclusive in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Saturday October 6th 2012.
This will be the first ever A Split-Second show on the South-American continent!
Especially for their Brazilian fans A Split-Second will perform customized ‘Best of Set!

Parade Ground headlines @ Electric Summer Nights September 1st!
We are pleased to a announce PARADE GROUND will headline on the second night of the Electric Summer nights!
The festival Promgramm:
Friday august 31st
shiny darkness (fr) - (concert + bonus cover depeche mode)
+ 4 dj's ...seb nocturne, sephdm, g 55 (ebm league paris) & p dave (original band)
( new-wave, synthpop & depeche mode special)
Saturday september 1st
xms (f - ebmclash)
vuduvox (f/b - electro minimal cyberclash)
combat voice (b - electro ebm)
void kampf (f - ebm)
parade ground (b - electro cold wave)
+ after 3 dj's ...de thannberg (ebm league paris) + del boy (neutral lies) + franky d (darkmen)
PARADE GROUND (B) [permalink]
The Juggernauts prevail @ FamilienTreffen VIII
Last weekend The Juggernauts played their first German and first open air festival gig on the renowned Electro & EBM festival Familiëntreffen VIII @ Sanderleben. Even while dealing with some technical restrictions and fact that they played as opener in the broad day/sunlight , which made their background video almost invisible, The Juggernauts managed to get the party starting on Saturday, “drawing the biggest crowed ever to see an opener band at the Familiëntreffen”.
Below some comments we found on Facebook:
Kat I.: Die Juggernauts. Mischung aus Front und Dive. Der Hammer!
Daniel B: Fucking good concert!
Mario L: Das Fam.treffen war schon Geil !!. - Die Überraschung für mich war, das "The Juggernauts" extrem Genial waren!
Thomas B: Unglaublich starker Auftritt, The Juggernauts waren der beste FT Opener ever. 100% sicher, dass diese Band ihren Weg machen wird. Da passt ja alles! Hoffentlich kommt bald ne komplette CD ;-)
Intox M: The juggernauts .... bester opener ever
Olivier S:> The Juggernauts: Belgium : 10 points!
The Juggernauts…had the shitty job to open, no album out, in bright daylight, but rather a lot of Germans crawled out to see this….
Great electro NOT based on Nitzer like 90% of the festival lol. winner.
Belgium : 10 points!
Angy Mr-e: die waren mal echt gut...kannte ich vorher gar nicht... habe mich wegen dem Bandnamen immer etwas gesträubt.... aber nun bin ich positiv begeistert.
Martin V: i agree. they were great.
Jana B: We have to thank you! That was awesome - had lots of fun at your gig. One of the highlights of the weekend. :)
Ludewig M: The Juggernauts sind einfach nur GEIL !!
THE JUGGERNAUTS (B) [permalink]

26.10 First New Wave Club Night with The Bollock Brothers, De Brassers & The Arch + Afterparty
While wondering WHAT ever happened to the once so vibrant Antwerp alternative/New Wave scene and WHY we don’t have any serious tribute parties to this wonderful and broad music style we decided to give it a go and see what’s left of this once revolutionary spirit and way of life. Some may call it nostalgic and naïve to think we can recreate the days when we could chose witch alternative clubs we wanted to go … Who doesn’t remember the many exciting nights at Antwerp clubs like Ancienne Belgique, The Mirrage, The Image, The Face, Cinderella, The Paradox, The Plaza, The Limelight, … but WHERE did all those people that crowed these clubs go?! Did they vaporize? Or are they all glued to their couch and gave up? Did they give up the idea that we are here to enjoy life? No live after marriage & children? Or did they take The Sex Pistols/Punk message to literally? No Future for you!?
We agree that revolution doesn’t only happen in the weekend … But it’s better than NO revolution at all!
So … GET your lazy ass OUT THAT COUCH, GET A BABYSIT, if you only recently found out how to make children, AND COME TO PARTY & DANCE! :D
Click the links below for more info!
FB event page
The ultimate DIVE box is coming!
BodyBeats Productions & Out Of Line records proudly present:
There are few Electro-pioneers of the first wave that are still active and successful. Belgian artist Dirk Ivens is one of them, inspiring a lot of acts to follow in the past three decades – be it as part of Absolute Body Control, The Klinik or Sonar, or with his solo project DIVE. Therefore, an 8-CD box set containing the entire back catalogue of his one man project, from 1990 until now, is destined to stir up some waves. It contains all official releases, many of them deleted for a good number of years and therefore highly collectible (and pricey) rarities, bundled in a lavish box set in book form, hand-numbered and limited to 1000 copies, with a classy photo booklet that contains many previously unseen photos. Next to all the classics, like the self-titled debut album, “Concrete Jungle”, “Snakedressed” and all EPs, among them the extremely rare “Images” and “Extended Play”, there are stylistically versatile collaborations with Kirlian Camera, Jean-Luc de Meyer (Front 242), Controlled Bleeding and Diskonnekted, plus remixes from Combichrist, Numb, Die Krupps or Leætherstrip. Rounding off this massive package and making it all the more exclusive and indispensable is a bonus disc containing previously unreleased live material, cover versions and remixes. 148 tracks on 8 CDs – a legendary box set for a legend!
More info and full tracklisting on the link below!