24.2 International EBM day @ De Casino - St Niklaas - B
We are happy to announce our first 2018 BodyBeats Productions event!
As the title already gives away this will be a day on which we will celebrate one of our beloved music genres, Electronic Body Music! A dark but pounding music style, maybe not as such invented, but most definitely best fine-tuned and exploited, by our national EBM proud Front 242. Hence the date on which EBM fans over whole the world celebrate International EBM day >24.2< So mark the day in your agenda and come celebrate International EBM day with with several national & international EBM live acts. Of course this feast would not be complete without a pounding afterparty with beat
& waves spun by resident DJ BORG. Soon the first batch of confirmed bands will be announced! Tickets & more info will follow!
Tickets & Info / Check-in on our Facebook event here!
THE JUGGERNAUTS (B) [permalink]BodyBeats newsletter June 2017
Over 4750 happy costumers/subscribers can't be wrong!!!
With this newsletter we inform you of our upcoming events, related news and live actions our BodyBeats roster artists.
As we know there's already lot's of spam around we tend to send only ONE newsletter a month, although in special / last minute occasions we might send an extra one out. But in case we no news we dare to a month too. Rest assure, to reduce the annoying effects of spam we will try to keep the frequency to the essential minimum.
Why should I subcribe to an 'old-school newsletter when you have everything on Facebook!?
Well, don't be fooled! Facebook is all about money and showing you less than 10% of what's really relevant news for you!
So JOIN US now, subscribe NOW! And RIP THE SYSTEM!
We at BodyBeats Production are happy to announce another festival for 2017! The return of DAFT FEST!
This time as joint venture between BodyBeats Production and Daft Records / Minimal Maximal records featuring artists who's work has been released on these before mentioned labels.
I think we might say the line-up looks quite impressive featuring both national as international artists.
We delighted to confirm these Spanish industrial pioneers as one of our headliners for an exclusive clubshow! It has been almost 7 year since E.G. played Belgium (BIMFEST 2010).
This hard-hitting British Electro/EBM duo is know for their pumping beats, sequences and performances.
In 2014 they released 'Unrest In The Grime' on Minimal Maximal Records and currently they are working on news material!
One of Belgiums best known musical export products since the early 80's still kicking ass today! A Split-Second re-released their first ever tape 'Stained Impressions' on Minimal Maximal Records in 2012. Rumors say they are back in the studio recording new material! Meanwhile they still tour the world with a stunning and energetic Best-Of show!
Of course the harsh industrial/EBM solo project of Daft/Minimal Maximal label manager Dirk Ivens is a must on DAFT FEST! Earlier this year the brand new album 'Underneath' saw the day of light resulting in another extensive tour around the world.
Another fine Belgian project is this minimal / electro / wave project which originated in the early 80's. Their first tape and deleted vinyls were released on Minimal Maximal in 2011. Meanwhile the band has release stunning comeback album 'No Place For You' on DAFT Records in 2015.
One of the few splendid underground Electro/EBM ever to come from The Netherlands so far. After decades of silence they re-emerged with reboot a concert BIMFEST 2015 and the re-release of their debut album on Minimal Maximal. Beginning 2017 they released the brand new studio album 'Machinesex' of Daft Records opening they way even to Sao Paulo, Brazil where they surprised friend and foe with an amazing strong performance!
Is the visual art & electro music project of the London based Swiss artist Gertrud Stein who drew our attention with her contribution to the Daft Records compilation 'Deep'. Also Getrud Stein's live show are not to be missed!
KnK (B)
New, fresh, dark and heavy electro/industrial revelation from Antwerp city who had their tapes 'Dead Body Music I + II' re-released on Daft Records in 2016 and certainly worth to check-out!
Both nights will have an pounding afterparty with Waves & Beats spun by resident DJ BORG, DJ SKULLSCRAPER (aka Dirk Ivens) and friends!
Presale has already begun so hurry-up!!
Save money and order you two days combi-ticket now!
Mildreda to support Covenant @ Zappa, Antwerp this Friday June 3Oth.
Last week the sad news reached us Ghost & Writer is no more and thus will not be supporting Covenant in Antwerp.
However the good news is MILDREDA will be doing the honor!
MILDREDA is the Belgian and darkish, hars, electro/EBM the project of Jan Dewulf (Diskonnekted, Your Life On Hold, ...). A project he rebooted earlier this year with a new album and fantastic Skinny Puppy support show!
Last two names added to BIMFEST 2017 line-up! ALVAR (SE) and ELM (SE)!
It's with great pleasure we like to announce to your our last two BIMFEST contenders ALVAR and ELM!
Coincidence or not, and beside the fact all six Dark Demons candidates gave a energetic performance, the audience of the Dark Demons Night chose both Swedish acts to open BIMFEST 2017!
The first one is Brussels based Swedish no-compromise straight forward E.B.M. act ELM of Peter Elm. His music fitting neatly in between the likes of UK E.B.M. godfathers Nitzer Ebb and those other Swedish hard core hooligans of Spetsnaz.
The second BIMFEST opener will be the Swedish Electro Industrial act ALVAR who, besides some tape releases, released their debute album 'Guilt Kollektion' on Daft Records last year. Their music is a mixture of the old school Cold Meat Industry sound, techno and E.B.M.
With these two last great bands added to our BIMFEST the line-up is 100% complete!
So no time to waste, order those tickets now!