lingerficking good underground & alternative music
26.04 A Night with Dark Balloon with A Split-Second, Dive & more! 22.02 International EBM day 2025 @ De Casino - St.Niklaas - B 12.04.24 A SPLIT-SECOND + THE JUGGERNAUTS @ Barack, Bruges, B Peek-a-booo Magazine 49 04/09/2025 THE JUGGERNAUTS @ NCN FESTIVAL - DEUTZEN - D Powered by VOLT Magazine!

28.09 > 13.10 A Split-Second - US Tour 2024 - 26.10 Leaether Strip + Kinky performances @ Fetish Café, Antwerp, B - 27.10 Leaether Strip + Porno Karaoke (Zoth Ommog Night) @ Fetish Café, Antwerp, B - 20 + 21.12 BIMFEST @ De Casino, St Niklaas, B - 22.02 International EBM day @ De Casino, St-Niklaas, B

NEWS Belgium lifts all Covid-19 restrictions! Come celebrate!

Belgium lifts all Covid-19 restrictions! Come celebrate!

09 March 2022 17:06

Finally there seems to be a bright light at the end of the tunnel! As of Monday 7 March Belgium lifts all concert and party restrictions! The perfect oppertunity to come and celebrate with us in Brussels with ADULT., Plack Blague, The Juggernauts and DJ BORG!

More info & tickets on the link below!


NEWS Attention! We have lift-off!!! EBM day @ De Casino  will go ahead on Saturday 26.02!

Attention! We have lift-off!!! EBM day @ De Casino will go ahead on Saturday 26.02!

16 February 2022 14:49

UPDATE! Belgium will go from "Code Red" to "Code Orange" from this Friday 18 February onwards. This means EBM day 2022 CAN & WILL HAPPEN! 😃 However,"Code orange", means the CST or recovery certificate is still mandator but also surgical masks are no longer mandatory!

Most important, standing, dancing, jumping, drinking will be allowed AGAIN!

So what are you waiting for!? Get those tickets now!


NEWS 26.02.22 Not Just Another EBM day! Fingers Crossed!

26.02.22 Not Just Another EBM day! Fingers Crossed!

08 February 2022 11:20

Update 08.02.22: Since there seems to be some conflicting and confusing information around we like to remind you, so far as we are concerned, our EBM day is still scheduled for 26 FEBRUARY! (Double checked & Confirmed by all parties!).

It all depends now on the decision our government will make THIS Friday 11.02... IF we go from code RED to code ORANGE, EBM DAY WILL HAPPEN! If we stay in code RED, EBM will be postponed to a date in the very near future! So get those tickets now AND let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for a code ORANGE! 🙂

Thanks for your understanding and support!

Your BodyBeats team.



NEWS New dates for BIMFEST XIX confirmed > 18 + 19.03.2022!!!

New dates for BIMFEST XIX confirmed > 18 + 19.03.2022!!!

09 December 2021 13:32

We are happy to inform you that you do not have to wait a full year to celebrate BIMFEST XIX with your friends! Together with our venue partner De Casino, we have managed to set new dates for our BIMFEST XIX edition! Friday 18 + Saturday 19 March 2022!

Sadly The Ultimate Dreamers are unable to perform on this new date but they will be replaced by the sympathetic German Electronic/Minimal band QEK JUNIOR!

All other bands will be present! More info, bio's + media on the link below!

So put it in your agenda, spread the word and feel free to share this news or the link below on your Facebook page!


NEWS 04.12 Transmission 26 by DJ BORG feat. 40 years of Front 242 & Grausame Töchter

04.12 Transmission 26 by DJ BORG feat. 40 years of Front 242 & Grausame Töchter

03 December 2021 14:36

In order to try and compensate a little the pain and sorrow caused by the cancelled Belgian shows of Front 242 (Brussels) and Grausame Töchter (Antwerp) we convinced our resident DJ BORG to stand and deliver for YOU anyway! So tune in Saturday 4 December between 21h and … the early hours. For this special occasion BORG will spin at of 242 and Grausame Töchter tracks in between his “normal” eclectic danceable weird shot selection!

This streaming is easy to lock on to and it’s FREE / GRATIS / GRATUIT! Just click on the link > www.twitchTV/DJ BORG and the music/party enjoy!

Come & dance into the night with pounding beats, darkish stormy waves and more danceable weird shit spun by BodyBeats & BIMFEST resident DJ BORG!

Expect to hear some various exclusive unreleased tracks, assimilations and interpretations by DJ BORG and the usual exquisite music selection!



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Heilig Geesthoek 87A
2020 Zwijndrecht
